Thursday, November 1, 2007

Day Three

We had a late start today, the next stop is just over a hour away. And today we make two stops. It's great going to all these restaurants. Johnny has his ordered ready to go as soon as the waitress comes by, it's always the same thing..."May I have of fries please?" We can go to a fine restaurant or McDonalds it is always the same order.

The first stop is an European settlement which was begun by French officer Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac who founded a fort and settlement at a site, where this modern city currently stands. Originally this place was called Fort Pontchartrain du __________ after the Comte de Pontchartrain. The British took control and shortened the name to what we have today. One more 1889 this famous automobile mogul built his first factory here.

We contiued our travel and reached our hotel and were turned away because no children under 19 allowed. We attempted to put a mustache on Johnny but the car seat he was sitting on gave him away. We just went to the hotel next door and visited the sites. This is the city where hockey originated. This city was originally known as Pesaquid. The city also had two major fires: the first on October 17, 1897 and the second on January 6, 1924 which destroyed several areas near the towne center.
The picture of Johnny shows him looking out the window at the city we were in early and from the hotel we stayed at across the river.
Need more hints????? Scroll down ...
The first city is known as the "Motor City"
The second city you can reach via a tunnel and they will request an i.d. to enter this country.


Unknown said...

Are you like in Detriot? and did you cross over to Canada? You know how those Canadians are all 'aboot'

Diana said...

Niagra Falls? Soult Saint Marie? I have dual citizenship in Canada- I should know right? Johnny looks like a big boy now- I wish I were him, traveling all over the place, ever fun, eh?!!!