Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Day Two

Did you figure out what town and state we were in? We hit the pavement the next day and visited another pair of friends, the Heralds. We arrived just in time to meet their new edition to the family. Just a few days earlier the parents to be where headed to the hospital to be induced. The little guy was two weeks over due. Lisa had cleaned the whole house the day before, her nesting instincts kicked in, she also thought she could get the little guy to evict himself. When that failed they headed to the hospital with grandparents in tow. Everything went as scheduled, the nurse broke her water and then the contractions started as well as the problems. First, she asked for the epidural after a few minutes she felt her thighs would go numb every time she had a contraction. The epidural was bleeding out and another doctor came in to put in the epidural correctly. After several hours of pushing the baby was stuck. The doctor told them that they will have to perform a C-section. While in surgery, Lisa's blood pressure dropped. The only words that Lisa remembers is the Anesialogist telling the OB/GYN "Hurry up we are losing her". The doctor pulled the little guy out and didn't have time to stitch Lisa up so he just stapled her. With just a few seconds to welcome the baby, the baby was rushed to NICU and Lisa was rolled away. Poor Mike didn't know who to stay with, the baby or his wife. I am happy to say all three are doing fine!
Where is Johnny? The Jeep vehicle has been manufactured in this town since 1941. This city is also known for being the subject of the song by Danny Michel that share the city's name. Need more? Port Lawrence, the first settlement, and Vistula and the second establishment were consolidated to make this city.
About the state....Native Americans include the Iroquois, Miamis and Wyandots. This state is the first state admitted to the Union under the Northwest Ordinance. The state name is derived from the Seneca meaning "beautiful river" or "large creek".
Did you figure out where Johnny was yesterday? Marshall, Michigan.
Need one more clue for today? Go down to the bottom.
The city is known for this expression "H___ T_____!"
The state is the Buckeye State.


Stella Barrutia said...

Holy Toledo! You are in Ohio!

What a fun blog! I love it!

Julie said...

Congratulations to the Heralds! What a beautiful family!