Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day Five

Our next stop Johnny and John were so excited to visit. But first did you figure out yesterday's city... Niagara Falls. It was so beautiful, the only attraction I wanted to go on was the boat, the Maid of Mist boat tour. They had just closed for the season. I would recommend the ride so you can see the falls up close. If you go to the Hershey store they give you free fudge samples. The best flavor for me was the Rocky Road Fudge. The Guinness Book of World Record Museum is incredible and a lot of fun for the kids.

We head for the east, this state has some of the most touristic sites. The Dutch settled here permanently in 1624. They ruled for 40 years over the colony of New Netherland. When the English conquered the colony in 1664, they named it after a Duke. This state declared its independence on July 9, 1776 becoming one of the original 13 states of the Federal Union. The Battle of Saratoga was fought on this state.


The first stop was in this town that is famous for its museum. John and Johnny had a great time touring the museum. Let us known if you can figure out the town and the name of the place. The pictures will be your clue.

1 comment:

Stella Barrutia said...

haha I love Johnny's face in that one picture! I loved the Maid of the Mist boat ride. Definitely something to do when in Niagara. I'm going to guess you're in New York, now?