Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day Fourteen

The next state we went to was the "Peach State"...Georgia. This town is home to Paula Dean, we were able to go by her restaurant she owns with her two sons.
Savannah is so beautiful with all the mansions and history. Therefore, we had to eat in a mansion. We ate at 700 Drayton. It is located across the Forsythe Park. The food was delicious. John had an open steak sandwich in a Burgundy onion sauce. The steak was soft and juicy and the sauce was just and explosion of flavor. I had the green fried tomato BLT. It was perfect. Here is John and Johnny in front of the restaurant.
While seeing the sights we were able to see the bench where Forest Gump said his famous line, "Life is like a box of chocolate". The white mansion is where the movie In the Garden of Good and Evil was filmed with Kevin Spacey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmm, some good southe'n cookin'. love aunt weezy