Monday, November 12, 2007

Day Twelve

We had a really nice time in Washington D.C, along with all the monuments we visited we were able to go in the Holocaust Museum. I recommend everyone visiting the museum, it very sad but it is history we should never forget. We also went to the Native American Museum and they have a restaurant, the food is delicious. Try the buffalo steak.
The next city we went to is where the "The First Battle of Bull Run" took place. This is also where Stonewall Jackson got his name. Johnny is standing in front of Stonewall Jackson's statue.

This is the home of Mrs. Henry, who was the first civilian casualty of war. She was an elderly woman who refused to leave her home. Unfortunately, her home was smack in the middle of the battlefield and the union soldiers had invaded her home. When the gun battle began confederate soldiers riddled the house with gunfire and canons.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

How cute! Wish I could have been there.