Saturday, November 10, 2007

Day 10

Yesterday's trivia was the word Pennsylvania which is misspelled on the Liberty.

We entered this city last night and met up with Aunt Luisa. She has lived in this area for about five years and hasn't toured the city. We are taking her with us. There are about 4 tour bus services. I recommend the two day pass tour. There is so much to see, and a lot of the buildings close at 5:30 p.m.. You can use the subway system to get around but find out if they are under construction the waiting time for a train can be about 45 minutes. Usually the subway runs every 15 minutes. The tour bus was great, especially with Johnny because we started our tour about 1:30 and around 1:45 Johnny took his nap for the next hour and a half. He would of slept longer but the tour finished.


This was taken in front of the Union Station. It is a well known bell. But for the life of me, I cannot remember what the significance is. If anyone knows let us know. This was taken just before we boarded the tour bus.

Washington National Cathedral it is beautiful from the outside but more beautiful from the inside. There are 25 tour stops and we noted which ones we will see tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Nice pictures


Stella Barrutia said...

I love Philly!! Mark was there for almost two years. Manayunk is a cool city outside of Philly.

Anonymous said...

Had a blast with my johnny bobahnny. Can't wait to see you all again. Aunt Weezy