Thursday, November 8, 2007

Day 8

Johnny was so excited to go visit this lady -mainly because he got to ride on a ferry to do it.

Yes, we were one of those people who had to do it when we thought we would never do it. Guess what we thought we
would never do.

Click on the link and find out. Watch the video and tell me if you would have done it.





Julie said...

Oh yeah, I'd do it.

I would do it for all to see
I would do it dressed like a bee

I would do it before my nap
I would do it in a red ball cap

I would do it just to get my white coat in
I would do it behind Charles Grodin

I would do it yes siree
With my nephew, cute John-nee

I would do it yes siree
Because these things are fun, you see.

Anonymous said...

Hey I look good