Sunday, February 10, 2008

The wedding

The wedding was at 8:00 p.m.. A quarter to eight everyone was gathering to go into the church when the lights went out. The bride was taking her pre-wedding pictures when this happened. The reason we weren't in the church seated was because another wedding was taking place. Can you imagine when the priest is about to pronounce you man and wife the lights go off. The whole town was in the dark for about 15 minutes. The priest quickly finished the first wedding and then we witnessed my brother and Antone get married. It was a beautiful ceremony.

The place was very elegant and the food was great. Here in Peru there usually is no bar - what they do is put the liquor on your table. There was white wine, red wine, champagne, whisky and soda. Johnny mastered the ice tongs. If you needed ice in your glass, he was the man.

With all the liquor people were having a wild time. These two gals to the left got drunk on apple juice. In Peru, receptions typically last until 6:00 a.m the next morning. The meal finished around 10 p.m. and the party promptly began. The dance floor was packed. We have a lot of blackmail pictures...these offenders will remain nameless, but you know who you are. If a lot of people ask to see the incriminating photos I will post them.

This is around 3:00 a.m. All night Johnny wanted to dance and play these drums. The band let him come up several times. This is him performing "Babalu" I think. He took a 25 minute nap at midnight and was ready to hit the floor again. We finally left at 4:30 a.m. We had initially said good-bye to everyone at 4 a.m and were going to catch a cab with Kristine, Vilms, and Micheal. They were ready to go and I told them we would meet them downstairs. We waited and next thing I know they were back on the dance floor. I think they ended up closing the place down. Everyone had a great time.


Anonymous said...

As one of the guest at this wedding. I was impressed with the musical abilities of this young performer "Johnny". The stoberleins

Anonymous said...

Just as long as the elder John was kept away from any children with balloons.

Anonymous said...

I see a future professional congo/drum player.
I have performed with him several times already.
Aunt Karen