Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ruins of Tucume

The Valley of Pyramids of Tucume are also found in Lambayeque. Locals call this area Purgatorio (purgatory). The locals never go into this area after dark. And healers believe the pyramids have special healing powers.

This location is huge, covering over 540 acres (including 26 major pyramids and platforms). From the entrance you have quite a walk with only a few small trees to block the intense sunlight. Make sure you have on comfortable shoes, sun block, and water.

The stairs up to the top of the pyramid are the ultimate stair-master. We had a few people stay in the bus, while others made the walk to the pyramid but then turned back when they saw the long stairs. That left a few suckers, mean brave soles to climb the path. These stairs were not all the same size. Also, some were taller and steeper. In the end, the climb was well worth the lactic acid build up, with the awesome view of the mountains and pyramids.

It was a great adventure, as well as a workout. On your way back to the entrance there is a small park with a lot of shade and also sinks with cool water to clean yourself from all the desert dust. To see all the excavated items from this site visit the "Museo de Tucume" which is located in Lambayeque.


Diana said...

where in the world is johnny? i'm so confused. are you guys still in Peru? man, we haven't talked to you guys in forever! miss yous!

Anonymous said...

Steep steps? You are worthless and weak. Now drop and give me twenty.