Monday, May 19, 2008


Since our Peru trip we have been in Florida enjoying the great weather.
Unfortunately, our time here is ending and we are heading out west. We have been seeing the sites in Florida. And there are a lot of things to see in Florida. Our first trip was to the Naples zoo.
This is a great zoo, there are many animal exhibitions. We were able to see "feed the lions" and "feed the alligators". You can also go on a boat and see all the primates they have up close. They have eight different little islands with different types of species.

The lion was hungry and had a tendency to spray the audience. We kept our distance. There were a few people that got hit with the spray.
The alligators were huge. There were about twenty alligators and the biggest one was fifteen feet. We had a great time at this zoo and if you are in Naples you should check it out.


Stella Barrutia said...

I'm glad you finally updated! The Naples zoo sounds like fun! So where's your next stop?

Anonymous said...

When do you get back to Chinatown Jake?