Thursday, January 17, 2008

Our 2nd week in Peru

The second week came so fast. The week of Christmas. Aunt Karen with our friend Alex, Aunt Bebe, Aunt Luisa, Uncle Peter, Uncle Hernan and Aunt Vilms with Uncle Micheal and Johnny's cousins (Kristian, Peter, Alexa, Kristoffer and Preston) all came to Peru. On the 24th we surprised Aunt Bebe with a serenade for her birthday. She was so surprised.

We also had a visit from Santa Claus who made a special stop at our house to deliver the presents. Johnny was Santa's helper.

Once Santa Claus left to go to the rest of the houses, Johnny was in charge of passing out the rest of the presents. Around 12:45 we finished opening the presents and we finally ate our Christmas meal. We rested up on the 25th because the next day we were off to Chiclayo. This city is about 11 hours on bus or a hour by plane. We chose to take the plane trip. Stay tuned to hear about our trip to Chiclayo for my brother Hernan's wedding.


Anonymous said...

nice pick of the claus, glad you were able to catch him before he took off


Anonymous said...

Goonga ga-loonga