Friday, January 25, 2008

Our trip to Chiclayo

We left the house to the airport in Lima around 6:00 p.m. only to find out our 9:00 flight to Chiclayo had been delayed for two hours. The people on LAN Peru were nice and accommodated us with free dinner for all 18 of us to eat and relax while we waited for the plane to arrive. There were 5 restaurants to chose from and Johnny chose McDs and got his french fries.
We arrived in Chiclayo at midnight. It took 55 minutes to get to Chiclayo and 5 minutes to get to our hotel. John and Johnny were so tired they just collapsed on the bed. We stayed at the Santa Victoria Hotel and out of all the hotels we stayed in Peru this was the only hotel that had CNBC. John's favorite channel.

The next day we went sight seeing and the first stop was to Lambayeque which is about 15 minutes from Chiclayo to the "Museo Nacional Tumbes Reales De Sipan". This museum is the most impressive museum that we visited in Peru. The artifacts inside are just amazing and you can do a tour or go at it alone. Either way you will learn a lot about the Indian tribe and its leader "El Senor de Sipan" who ruled over his people around the 1600.
Here is a picture of all of us in front of the museum.
We weren't allowed to take pictures in the museum to show you the beautiful artifacts. So we decided to go to the actual ruin site and see the village site. That story is for tomorrow.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Our 2nd week in Peru

The second week came so fast. The week of Christmas. Aunt Karen with our friend Alex, Aunt Bebe, Aunt Luisa, Uncle Peter, Uncle Hernan and Aunt Vilms with Uncle Micheal and Johnny's cousins (Kristian, Peter, Alexa, Kristoffer and Preston) all came to Peru. On the 24th we surprised Aunt Bebe with a serenade for her birthday. She was so surprised.

We also had a visit from Santa Claus who made a special stop at our house to deliver the presents. Johnny was Santa's helper.

Once Santa Claus left to go to the rest of the houses, Johnny was in charge of passing out the rest of the presents. Around 12:45 we finished opening the presents and we finally ate our Christmas meal. We rested up on the 25th because the next day we were off to Chiclayo. This city is about 11 hours on bus or a hour by plane. We chose to take the plane trip. Stay tuned to hear about our trip to Chiclayo for my brother Hernan's wedding.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Our First week in Peru

Happy New Year. We hope everyone is having a good year. We can't believe our visit here is almost over. We had a great time an saw some amazing things. Our first week was pretty laid back. December is the beginning of summer and the first spot we hit was the italian gelattoria 4D. It serves the best freshly made ice cream. There are favorites like vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. Then there are the peruvian flavors like passion fruit (maracuay), lucuma and guanavana. And then the italian flavors. You can't go wrong with any flavor.

We went to the Pescatorre in Miraflores. It serves some of the best seafood and Peruvian classics like Lomo saltado. You can't go to a restaurant and not order a Pisco Sour. This drink is made with Pisco. A liquor made from grapes and about 24% alcohol or more. This is strong stuff and the people in the mountains drink this to keep warm and stay alive in the cold winters. Alone it can burn your nostril, throat and stomach but mixed in it is very tasty.

We also visited the Museo de Oro Del Peru (Peru's Museum of Gold). This museum displays some of Peru's finest treasures from the Pre-Incan era. There are also on display mummies. This museum also holds one of the largest gun and armory collection. We wished we could have taken pictures but no cameras aloud. If you would like to take a look at the collection you can visit .